Album Notes - Atlin Gün - Yol
A simple translation of the band's name divulges nothing more than "golden day." For those of us not versed in the source material, the story behind the music makes the results even more impressive: Dutchman travels to Turkey, immerses himself in Anatolian rock, becomes obsessed, returns to the Netherlands, recruits musicians (including two Turkish singers), forms band to recreate the continent-straddling country's folk music but under a modern guise. That's Atlin Gün in a nutshell.
Yol is the sextet's third album interpreting traditional songs from a region whose musical exploits have not fully permeated the Western markets. If Atlin Gün were a North American indie outfit, this would surely be labeled their "80s" album based on the shifting sound and instrumentation from their previous two LPs. It also makes it their danciest. Check out 2018's On and 2019's Gece for comparison and further enjoyment, but while those first two point the band in one direction, Yol breaks the mold. The third time isn't so much the charm as it as a captivating divergence.