Downtown Dispensary Tucumcari
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Downtown Dispensary Tucumcari

Downtown Dispensary Tucumcari

Downtown Dispensary Tucumcari

(77) 4.9
(575) 815-6964
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An objective of ours is being passionate about helping to improve one’s well-being. Some of our products will benefit our customers mentally, while others will have a more physical aspect of assistance. There are a range of benefits specific to each strain that we will continuously stay on top of, to be as informative as possible when customers have questions about our products. We are excited to learn about and share the latest industry news, from the newest hybrid strains, to the more recently discovered benefits that their terpenes provide us when consumed. 

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77 Reviews of Downtown Dispensary Tucumcari
TarotMomma ( )
Source: Weedmaps

Twyla was so helpful and had a very positive and peppy attitude

Official Response

Thank you *SO* very much, I really appreciate you! Wishing you & yours a marvelous Spring! :) ...Twyla

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