Jilly Bean
Jilly Bean
Jilly Bean -- a cross between a female Orange Velvet cut and pollen from a Space Queen male -- was created and bred indoors at West Coast seed bank TGA Genetics by co-founders Subcool and MzJill. Subcool told Weedmaps they picked up the Orange Velvet clone, called “Melvin” at the time, roughly around 2006 from a nearby family that had the mother plant. They crossed the female with their own Space Queen male, which was the last remaining seeds of its kind left at the time. Named after MzJill -- as well as for its candy-citrus, limonene and pinene-dominant scent profile and tropical jelly bean flavor, Jilly Bean was among High Times’ Top Ten Strains of 2007. It was named the magazine’s best Sativa of 2014 and took 1st place at the Adam Dunn Show Invitational. Jilly Bean is no longer carried by TGA Genetics and is now in the hands of MzJill’s seed bank, Oregon-based MzJill Genetics. According to Subcool, the Jilly Bean currently bred by MzJill is an open-pollinated F2 hybrid version of the strain.
Grow Information
MzJill Genetics reports Jilly Bean grows medium to tall, with resinous, trichome-heavy flowers and leaves ranging from bright green to burgundy to purple. And its effects are described as uplifting, euphoric and giggly. Meanwhile, the MzJill Genetics website notes it’s developing several Jilly Bean phenotypes, including CBD-heavy and feminized varieties.