Coffee Creamer - Franklin's - 1.75g "Big" Infused Blunt
$25 / eachDescription:
A staple since 2020, Franklin’s has been making great tasting, smooth smoking, and ultra-fresh pre-rolls and blunts. Franklin’s line of ½ gram and 1 gram pre-rolls are made fresh, weekly, from A-grade whole flower. Whole flower. Fresh flower. Top shelf flower. No shake. No trim. Packed right. Sealed right. Not all cones and blunts are filled and sealed properly. Nothing is worse than a cone that is too loosely packed, too tightly packed, filled with too finely ground bud, or filled with sticks or stems. Franklin’s cones are delightful to smoke and pleasant to experience. Entourage effect with Franklin’s “blends” Blends are the result of mixing together multiple strains of bud into a “mix” or “blend.” Doing so allows the patient / customer to experience the fullest of full spectrums through the benefits of the entourage effect. Available in four blends: - Bank Roll - Five YearsPaper - Berries & Cherries - Kush Kingdom