
It goes without saying that the quality of a concentrate depends largely on the quality of the plant. It’s no mystery, then, how AOM’s careful cultivation of the Cannatonic strain for over five years has produced a venerable pain reliever of unmatched magnitude, packed with a truckload of CBD, and just enough THC to provide pleasant, accompanying euphoria. Now for the kicker: try it as ultra-refined sap, processed by the equally-expert dab-aficionados at Oilwell.

The top shelf selection, an all-organic 50/50 hybrid with a 7:1 ratio of CBD to THC, was beautiful in sap form, dark like wildflower honey, sweet and thick, but translucent. Lime, spearmint and other hints of citrus splashed through, “almost like a mojito,” which hit smooth and subtle, if not, completely out of this world. “What a unique taste!” one raved, “I say go try it just for the taste!”

Dabbing brought on the effects instantly. A sudden head rush and tingle behind the eyes bloomed into a full-body ride down the river rapids. “I can’t believe how stoned I actually am!” one even blurted. Yet, we were talkative and focused, with a somehow-clear focus despite the sensations. Subsequent puffing brought on a total rush, piling on both numbness and determined energy in an ironic twist.  

“Cool, calm, and collected,” the aches that had dominated life lately for one critic melted away in significant fashion. “For once in a long time my legs aren’t consumed with neuropathy pains--I can actually feel my feet,” he wrote, amazed. “I didn’t expect this would kill the pain better than the pharma I have been prescribed. If you're looking for a non-pharmaceutical answer to ailments, this is a viable option.”

Even for those without extreme pain, the reflection, motivation and mobility were worth the trip. “My mind is the exact opposite of bogged down. This is a really great feeling,” a veteran critic noted. “I was so skeptical at first, being a man who loves to smash dabs--I was a little weary at the [low] THC content,” he admitted, adding, “I am surprisingly high.” Each hit brought on at least 45-60 minutes of “full benefits” -- and unlike so many other CBD products, kept us going throughout the day instead of sinking us into our chairs.

THC: 9.4%  CBD:68.1%  7:1 ratio CBD:THC

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Cannatonic High CBD Ultra Refined Sap from AOM

By now the story of Golden Goat hardly needs to be retold -- but the overwhelming conclusion is that surprising (albeit, explosively fruity) accidents can happen in unexpected locations (Wheat Belt, America). That fortuitous accident, the lovechild of Island Sweet Skunk and Hawaiian Romulan, is just about sativa-leaning as flowers come. Another surprise? That despite the Goat’s signature cerebral nuttiness, puffing can actually make you more efficient than normal.

Three Rivers Dispensary sent over a meaty bunch of rugged buds that were appropriately golden-blonde, shimmering in the light from crystals, with a coiffure of tangerine pistils. The super-dank stench sliced through the air with a spicy, pine essence made only nuclear with the grind. Her palate was sharp and full of other harmonious aromas--berries, tropical or even passion fruit--all followed by a woody, organic finish.

The pleasant spark hit smooth, whipping us head-first into the clouds. The few moments that followed were a blur. A few of us didn’t even bother to finish the joint. The combination of sudden and exhilarating euphoria, matched with a sudden loosening of tense nerves, made for quite the spectacle as we oozed around, quite aware of the sensation, but as if watching ourselves from outside of a dream.

The cloudy head subsided somewhat, but not without some of the adventurous drive that propelled us into the world. One critic, partaking shortly before a bus trip to Cripple Creek, said he was riveted by a thought-provoking focus, but not to the point of paranoia. “It gave me plenty of energy but didn't really give me the negative side of sativas,” he wrote. Although somewhat psychedelic and foggy, we were surprisingly jovial and readily social throughout. 

Self-actualization-style epiphanies were commonplace as was the almost-mechanical rhythm pushing us to do or create (although it was a little difficult to just “pick up the pen without inspiration”). “I would totally buy this for my personal stash,” noted a critic near the end. Another wrote, “Not one disappointing moment. I was a zooming philosopher for over three hours.” Make sure to grab this one for your repertoire--and treat yourself to some unexpected surprises.

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Golden Goat from Three Rivers