Pick up at:

The Gallery - South Hill

(132) 4.6
Medical & Recreational
The Gallery - South Hill
Closes 11:30 PM

Peanut Butter Crunch

$13.99 $11.19 / g


(Peanut Butter Breath F2 x Crunchberries) Primary Terpenes: Limonene, Caryphyllene, Myrcene "Mmmm, marijuana.""Mmmm, Peanut Butter." *collision* "Hey, you got your marijuana in my peanut butter!" Two great taste that taste great together. Your friends will be jelly. "Mmmm, Marijuana.” “Mmmm, Peanut Butter.” *collision* “Hey, you got your marijuana in my peanut butter!” Two great tastes that taste great together. Your friends will be jelly. Caryophyllene,Limonene,Myrcene Relaxed, Sleep Soundly

The Gallery - South Hill

(132) 4.6
Medical & Recreational
The Gallery - South Hill
Closes 11:30 PM

Product Brand

Fire Bros.

Fire Bros. was founded by a group of old friends all born and raised in the Seattle area. Our mission is to provide the finest cannabis and concentrates in the state. We are an owner-operated, indoor farm based in the heart of Western Washington. Bringing years of experience and dedication to the art of cannabis growing since WA's medical days, Fire Bros. is committed to earning a place in your stash box.

Listing Categories

Dispensaries Dispensaries
Smoke shops Smoke shops
Medical Medical
Recreational Recreational
Doctors Doctors
Grow Stores Grow Stores

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