Nepalese landraces originate from different regions in Nepal, from the highlands to the basin of the Kali Ganga river. Seeds were reportedly obtained from travelers along the so-called Hippie Trail in the 1960s and brought to the United States. Nepalese landraces feature floral, fruity bouquets with a slight spice and matching berry flavors.
Grow Information
Nepalese landrace strains express different growth characteristics depending on where the genetics originated. Some reach full maturity at shorter heights while others stretch up to four meters high. When grown outdoors, Nepalese strains typically flower between mid-October through November. Colder environments produced Nepalese genetics that are resilient to both pests and harsher weather conditions. At full maturity, Nepalese produce long, fluffy buds practically dipped in resin. Available Form: Seeds only