Santa Maria
Santa Maria
Santa Maria, more commonly known as Planck, is a landrace strain originating in the rainforests of the Amazon. Today's version of the strain has been repeatedly crossed with Mexican Haze and Silver Pearl to stabilize its genetics. Both Pro Seeds and No Mercy have versions of the cultivar on the market. The top reported aromas of Santa Maria are floral, citrus, and earth. It is said to taste like lavender, soil, and oranges. No Mercy's version of Santa Maria has won over a dozen cannabis awards from 2003-2008.
Grow Information
Santa Maria is a sativa strain that develops upward stretching plants with extending branches. The plant thrives in indoor and outdoor climates and is a natural choice for novice cultivators, though it requires some extra pruning. Santa Maria flowers in eight weeks indoors and by early October outdoors. Santa Maria is available as seeds and clones.