Ultra Sonja
Ultra Sonja
Ultra Sonja was created by the breeders at Grindhouse Medical Seeds as a combination of the infamous UK Cheese and Tang Tang, a less-common descendent of Sweet Tooth. Per Grindhouse, Ultra Sonja features its parent's heavy-hitting cheesy tang and pungent skunkiness. The strain's smoke tastes like a peppery cheese wheel layered with a creamy sweetness and subtle tropical notes.
Grow Information
Grindhouse warns growers that while Ultra Sonja is easy to grow, the strain produces a pungent aroma that will require concealment measures. Ultra Sonja thrives both indoors and outside, where it favors Mediterranean climates. As a sativa-dominant strain, the plants grow tall and may require regular pruning to fit in an indoor garden. Ultra Sonja reaches maturity in 63 to 70 days or mid-October. Ultra Sonja is commercially available as seeds.