White Urkle
White Urkle
The team at OG Raskal created White Urkle by combining Purple Urkle with the infamous The White. The resulting indica hybrid features densely packed buds that practically drip with a white layer of trichomes. Per online reports, White Urkle provides a fruity bouquet that features peppery notes when the buds are ground. Its smoke has a more fruity flavor, with earth and pine elements.
Sleepy Giggly Hungry
Grow Information
White Urkle plants should develop well in both indoor and outdoor gardens in a semi-humid, Mediterranean climate. The cultivar produces short, bushy plants that may require pruning of the broader fan leaves. White Urkle reaches full maturity in 56 to 63 days or in early October. White Urkle is only available commercially as clones.